`Afaana, in his book الرأي الصواب في منسوخ الكتاب, page 36, says that the story was narrated by Ad-Dhahhaak ibn Muzaahim Al-Hilaali, who died in 105 A.H, who attributed it to Ibn Abbaas. But there's one problem: He never met the man! Sa`eed ibn Jabeer said that Ad-Dhahhaak "never met Ibn Abbaas, so how can his narrating be accepted?" Ibn Hibbaan said "Everything narrated from Ad-Dhahhaak needs to be scrutinized."
That should go in the (long) section where we discuss هلكت وأهلكت.
Perhaps this is the right place to put together what we learned about that story so far:
This post is work in progress...