I'm now reviewing three books!
أصول التشريع الإسلامي، علي حسب الله، أستاذ الشريعة الإسلامية بجامعة القاهرة، ١٩٦٤، دار المعارف، مصر
It is primarily a book - an excellent book - on foundations of deduction, but it has a 20-page section on abrogation, in which the author, Hasaballah, rejects all abrogation claims. A chapter on consensus is particularly informative.
الرأي الصواب في منسوخ الكتاب، جواد موسى محمد عفانة، دار البشير للنشر والتوزيع، عمان، الأردن، ١٩٩١
The author, Jawad `Afaana, accepts the notion of abrogation but rejects all abrogation claims
He also makes a very important study of the time of revelation of Chapter 24 and uses that to conclude with confidence that 24:2 abrogated all previous rulings on adultery and fornication. This section of the book is particularly informative and clears this issue with observant scrutiny.
I can recommend this book to any student of abrogation. It offers a credible alternative to the consensus, although most of its evidence lacks certainty in sourcing, which also happens to be a problem with the pro-abrogation consensus.
المجتمع الإسلامي كما تنظمه سورة النساء، محمد محمد المدني، المجلس الأعلى للشئون الإسلامية، القاهرة، مصر، ٢٠١٦
The book - an excellent one - is not primarily about abrogation, but rather Quran study of the verses of Chapter 4 and how they define a moral, ethical societal structure for Muslims. As the author, Al-Madani, analyses verses which have been claimed abrogated, he rejected all such claims and explained why he does.